Greek Yogurt


  • 1/2 gallon milk
  • 2 tablespoons prepared yogurt with cultures


  • Pour milk into inner pot of Instant Pot. Push yogurt button until the screen reads “boil.” (Usually you will need to hit the yogurt button two times) This will take about an hour.
  • Once the Instant Pot beebs that the boil cycle is complete, carefully remove the lid and test the temperature. It should be around 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Let inner pot sit in instant pot for 5 minutes and then remove inner pot.
  • Allow the milk to cool to 105-115 degrees. This will take an hour on the counter top or about 15 minutes if you place your inner pot into an ice bath.
  • Gently skim off the “skin” on the yogurt and discard.
  • Whisk in the prepared yogurt.
  • Place inner pot (be sure to dry off well if you had in ice bath),put lid on and press yogurt button again and then adjust until screen reads 8:00. (The pressure should also read normal–if it reads less, hit adjust again until normal is lit up.)
  • Once yogurt beeps that it is complete, store in glass jars or a large plastic container in the fridge.
  • This is a great time to freeze some yogurt for future yogurt making.

Culture Storage

Freeze starter immediately after fresh yogurt is made. Using an ice cube tray.
Each ice cube holds 1 tablespoon of yogurt.  Thaw your yogurt cubes in the fridge to not alter the cultures in the yogurt.


  • Use store greek plain yogurt as starter.
  • You can use any percentage of fat milk to make homemade yogurt.
  • To make Greek yogurt, strain the yogurt in a strainer lined with cheesecloth overnight in the fridge (be sure to place over large mixing bowl while draining.)
  • Homemade yogurt should last for about 10-14 days.

Instant Pot Yogurt