Running out of mustard. Left is Dijon, right is cider based, recipes below.

Dijon Mustard:
– 1/2 cup black mustard seeds
– 1/2 cup yellow mustard seeds
– 1 cup white wine vinegar
– 1 cup white wine
– 1 tsp kosher salt
– Add all ingredients to a quart mason jar, put on lid and shake to dissolve salt
– Shake mason jar periodically for about 2 days
– Blend to desired consistency
– If too thick, add more white wine; if too thin, add mustard powder

Cider Mustard
– 1/2 cup black mustard seeds
– 1/2 cup yellow mustard seeds
– 1 cup cider vinegar
– 1/2 cup fresh cider
– 1/2 cup hard cider
– 1 tsp kosher salt
– Add all ingredients to a quart mason jar, put on lid and shake to dissolve salt
– Shake mason jar periodically for about 2 days
– Blend to desired consistency

– If too thick, add more fresh cider; if too thin, add mustard powder