Roberta’s Pizza Dough
slightly adapted*
makes two pizzas, original recipe via New York Times

306 grams all-purpose flour
200 grams lukewarm tap water
8 grams salt
4 grams of olive oil
16 grams of baker’s yeast

In a large bowl, combine flour and salt.

In a smaller mixing bowl, stir the water, yeast and olive oil, making sure that the yeast has dissolved completely. Pour the mixture into the flour. Knead with your hands until well combined, about 3 minutes, and let the dough rest for 15 minutes.

After the dough has rested, knead it for about 3 more minutes. Cut into 2 equal pieces and shape each into a tight ball. Place on a floured surface and cover with a dampened cloth. Let dough rise for 3 to 4 hours at room temperature or 8 to 24 hours in the fridge. (If you refrigerate the dough, remove it 30 to 25 minutes before you shape it make pizza.)

To make pizza, place each ball on a heavily floured surface and use your fingers to stretch it, then your hands to shape it into rounds or squares. Top with your favourite ingredients and bake for about 10 minutes.

*The NYT recipe recommends using half and half of 00 Flour/pizza flour (153 grams) and All-Purpose (153 grams) and they use active dry yeast (2 grams).